With the end of the year just around the corner, it's important to prepare your dropshipping store for Q4. It's that time of the year when dropshippers battle their way through the season and hopefully make a big profit at the end!

In Q4, ecommerce sales typically explode. It's the best time of the year to start your dropshipping store.

To prepare your dropshipping store for Q4, first of all, be aware of the rise in marketing costs. Make plans for top events such as Halloween, Black Friday, and Christmas. Finally, make sure to sell products that have characteristics of winning Q4 products.

If you don't know how to pick winning Q4 products, don't worry, we will cover it in this article!

What is Q4 dropshipping?

Q4 dropshipping refers to dropshipping in the last season of the year. The season starts on the 1st of October and carries all the way through until the end of December.

Q4 Sales increase planning

"So what is different in Q4?", you may ask.

Well, you will find out in this article!

In this season, a lot of things change, and you will have to anticipate and prepare yourself and your dropshipping store for that.

Changes in Q4

To understand how to prepare your dropshipping store for Q4, you should first know what makes Q4 so special. So, which things change in this quarter?

Let's begin by looking at the total ecommerce sales during that time.

1. A peak in ecommerce sales

As you can see in the chart below, each year, there is a peak in the number of ecommerce sales in Q4:

During quarter 4, more people buy stuff online, and ecommerce sales typically rise by 15-25%!

According to Statista's research, the percentage of ecommerce sales from the total sales is becoming higher and higher each year:

Percentage of ecommerce in total retail sales in the US in Q4
Percentage of ecommerce in total retail sales in the US in Q4 (Source)

It means that more and more people are buying in online stores instead of in normal retail stores.

In Q4 2010, ecommerce sales accounted for only 4.6% of the total retail sales. It's been in an uptrend ever since and is at 15.6% in Q4 2023.

2. Increased marketing costs on all advertising platforms

In Q4, many businesses will run discounts that they would like to advertise on Facebook with paid ads.

Facebook is a bidding platform, and since brands spend around 36% more on ads during Q4, the CPM goes up:

If you don't know what CPM (Cost Per Mille) is, it is the cost to show your ad to 1000 people. In other words, it's what you will pay for 1000 impressions.

If this increase seems huge, don't worry.

As we've said, people buy more products online in Q4 (for example, for gifts or because of the significant discounts), so more people will click on your Facebook ad.

That means that your CPC (Cost Per Click) will increase by about 19%:

This increase in ad costs is actually the number one concern for 80.4% of ecommerce businesses in Q4, as shown by a study from Shopify Plus:

Biggest concerns Q4 dropshipping season

3. Higher customer service needs & longer delivery times

As mentioned, ecommerce sales show growth spikes in Q4, especially during special events such as Black Friday.

As a consequence, shipping companies are often asked to process more packages than they can, which is why shipping delays often occur.

You will have to be aware and prepared for this, as more customers will contact you about their orders and when they will receive them.

Make sure to let your customers know exactly what is happening and where their order is in the shipping process. And if they have a question, ensure a great customer service system is in place.

What are the special events in Q4 you should prepare for?

Christmas and Halloween

One of the main things that make dropshipping in Q4 so special is that you have all these special events where ecommerce sales go through the roof!

  • Halloween (October 31st, 2024)
    Halloween is a spooky holiday that everyone loves. To prepare for it, Americans plan to spend about $12.2 billion on costumes, candy, and decorations in 2023 alone.

    If you're interested in product examples for Halloween, then check out this article here.
  • Thanksgiving (November 28th, 2024)
    The next event is Thanksgiving, which is celebrated by the US, Canada, and a few other countries. Each year, sales on Thanksgiving day are higher than the year before. 2023 was another great year, in which Thanksgiving online shopping hit $5.6 billion in revenue.
  • Black Friday (November 29th, 2024)
    Black Friday is probably the biggest shopping event in the world, and its popularity is increasing every year. During Black Friday, retailers put lots of discounts on their products and advertise them heavily. Sometimes, these discounts can go as high as 70%. In 2023, Black Friday saw a record $9.5 billion in online sales in the US alone! You can find Black Friday product examples here.
  • Cyber Monday (December 2nd, 2024)
    Cyber Monday is basically the same thing as Black Friday, but it's more focused on electronics. Total Cyber Monday sales in the US hit $11.3 billion in 2023.
  • Christmas (December 25th, 2024)
    Christmas is probably the best event for dropshippers. You can take advantage of this event weeks before it happens, as people are already looking for gifts for their loved ones weeks before Christmas! You can find lots of dropshipping products that are perfect for gifting to someone.

    This is one of the biggest events of the year, as it was found that in 2023, American consumers planned to spend almost $1,000 on gifts and other holiday items on average. You can find Christmas product examples here.
  • After Christmas sales
    This period after Christmas is also great for dropshippers and retailers, as some people have received a lot of cash or gift cards and are looking to redeem those on some awesome products!

What is a winning Q4 dropshipping product?

During Q4, you can't just pick any product to advertise and expect your sales to boom.

Instead, winning Q4 products often have some distinct characteristics, which we will discuss now.

If you are looking to find some new products to sell, check out our article, which contains 15 product research methods for dropshipping. The best thing about that article? Most of these methods are free!

Winning Q4 product characteristics

  1. Giftable
    In Q4, a lot of people are searching for gifts because of a birthday, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. That's why it's important that your product can be gifted to someone.
  2. Hobby niche
    When people are looking for a gift for someone, the first thing they will often look at is their hobby. This is why giftable products in the hobby niche are great during Q4!
  3. High perceived value
    The second characteristic is a high perceived value. If you don't know what this is, it basically means that people tend to think that your product costs a lot. This is important during Q4 because, during this time, you will have to compete with other stores who put a 50-60% discount on their products. This is a lot easier to do if you have a product with a high perceived value.
  4. Not sold in stores
    To have the highest chance of people buying the product directly in your online store, rather than in a store nearby them, you will have to make sure that your product isn't sold in most stores.
  5. Can be put in a set
    For some smaller products, people like to buy similar products at once in a set and make one gift out of them. If you have this type of product, like a bamboo toothbrush, make sure to create a bundle with, for example, an organic toothbrush holder and a toothbrush cleaner set!
  6. Unusual
    Selling an unusual product during Q4 is really advantageous. People don't want to purchase a "standard" Christmas gift. Instead, they will rather get something that's funny or quirky and will impress others in the room as well! In other words, a product with a WOW-factor.

What niches are the best for Q4 and why?

Not all niches thrive in Q4. Instead, there are some that do the best because of some specific reasons.

I will go over the best niches for Q4 dropshipping below!

1. Fashion

Fashion dropshipping store example

Fashion is a great niche for Q4 because of two reasons.

First of all, people like to gift each other clothes. Second, people love it when there are big discounts on fashion items and love shopping for clothing on Black Friday!

Note: Dropshipping clothing is not recommended for beginners, as you can have a lot of trouble with sizing and refunds if your products don't meet your customers' expectations. You can read more about that here.

If you think you're ready for the clothing niche, check out the best clothing dropshipping suppliers here!

2. Toys

AliExpress product example - A pig plush toy

Toys will do well in Q4 because parents like to buy their kids a lot of toys as a present for Christmas. It's one of the days in the year when kids get gifted the most amount of toys!

3. Passionate hobbies

Skateboarding dropshipping store example

It's great if you are selling products in a passionate hobby niche because they make for a great gift!

4. Jewelry

Jewelry dropshipping store example

The jewelry niche is one that does really well in Q4, but more specifically, you will get the best results with customizable, sentimental jewelry.

This is one of the best niches for Q4 since a lot of people will buy their partner some jewelry, and it's even more special when for example, his/her first name is engraved on the necklace.

5. Pets

Pet dropshipping products Aliexpress

The next great niche is pets. This one looks a lot like the kids' toys niche because a lot of people consider their pets as a part of the family and will, therefore, also purchase a gift for them!

Do you want to learn about the ins and out of the pet niche with product examples and dropshipping store examples? Then check out our article about it here!

6. Beauty

Beauty dropshipping store example

The last niche is the beauty niche. This one is perfect because anyone looking to buy a gift for their wife, girlfriend, sister, or daughter will consider picking a product in this niche.

Also, during Black Friday, a lot of girls are on the lookout for the best deals in this niche!

Disclaimer: Be careful with dropshipping products in the health niche, especially if they are consumables or serums. If you do, be sure that the quality of your products is excellent and that they can't harm anyone. You can read more about the danger of the health niche here.

Additional tips to prepare your dropshipping store for Q4

  • Use discounted product bundles
    Like we've said before, if someone wants to buy a bigger gift for someone else or themselves, they often like to buy your product in a "set" with different products, especially if the set is at a discount! Using product bundles can thus increase your AOV (Average Order Value), which will leave you with a bigger profit.
Product discounted bundle visualization
Email marketing inside Shopify with Seguno
  • Use SMS marketing
    For the same reason as email marketing, people who already took action on your online store (warm traffic) are much easier to convert than people who haven't heard of you before (cold traffic). That's why your ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) will be so much better if you can utilize SMS marketing.

    Still not convinced? Check out this article on 10 reasons why you need SMS marketing while dropshipping!
Postscript Shopify app
  • Consider hiring a customer service VA
    If you are selling a few orders per day and you expect to scale up during Q4, I recommend considering hiring a virtual assistant for your customer service. As I've said, you will probably be contacted more during Q4, and hiring a virtual assistant allows you to focus on more important things!
Fiverr results for customer service va
Source: Fiverr
  • Create special discounts
    In a study done by Shopify Plus, 74.5% of ecommerce businesses indicated that a site-wide discount is the most effective holiday offer. The events during Q4 create a special opportunity for brands to create big discounts without hurting their reputation.
Most effective holiday offers for Q4 dropshipping
  • Test & find your best advertisements beforehand
    Don't wait until Black Friday to start advertising. Instead, start now, test your advertisements, and find out which is the best one. This will keep your ad costs low and make sure you are advertising in a cost-efficient way.


As you can see, there are many things to keep in mind that change the dropshipping game in Q4.

You must plan ahead for upcoming events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas to maximize your sales.

Also, take another look at the winning product characteristics we described above and see which one of the products in your store fits the best in those criteria. You will have the most chance of becoming successful with that product!

We hope you've learned something about the dropshipping and ecommerce world in Q4.

Don't forget to check out our full dropshipping in 2024 guide here, which goes over everything you need to know about the question, "Is dropshipping still worth it in 2024?", and more!

If you feel like I've missed anything or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or drop your comment below!

Let's crush this season!

Want to learn more about dropshipping?

Ready to move your dropshipping store to the next level? Check out the articles below:

Plus, don’t forget to check out our in-depth guide on how to start dropshipping here!

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  1. great information about the last quarter that I would take weeks to figure out if I was going to search myself. Thank you!

    • Do Dropshipping - Author Logo
      Patryk Reply

      Hi Kauan,

      Awesome to hear that you found the article to be valuable! Good luck this quarter 😊
      – Patryk

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